Appreciating the beauty in our world seems to have become more important than ever with increasing wars, pandemics, and climate change threats. Engaging
with nature offers greatly needed respite from the onslaughts of ever-concerning events. Gardens can be a much-needed place of peace and meditation.
I have been an avid gardener, fiber artist, and photographer for most of my adult life. Spending time in my gardens, closely looking at and photographing the most
ephemeral moment of a blooming perennial, clusters of blossoms on a bush, or interesting patterns on a plant’s leaves, has helped me through some very tough
couple of years.
During the covid lockdowns, I began to enlarge my garden photographs while abstracting and manipulating the images. I then printed the images onto large cotton
sheets and wove my images using a traditional four-harness floor loom and a warp of various colored sewing threads. Fiberography is a term I coined to describe
my multi-media weavings.
My gardens are my original canvas. They are where I create visual bouquets of color, texture, and depth. Fiber is my chosen medium. Heavily influenced by my favorite
artist Georgia O’Keeffe, I aim to share the beauty and peace I observe daily in my gardens with others.
Each image and weaving is one-of-a-kind and comes with a photograph of the garden, which inspired the artwork.